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An open laptop with a image of Reggie Redbird posing with a football game crowd.

Annual Report 2019–2020

Thank you to our community of donors and supporters. Together, we stood strong in 2020.

Fiscal year 2019–2020 saw the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, which brought new challenges to us as both a college and as a community. Even in such unprecedented times, MCN continued to do what we have done for more than 100 years.

Nurses rise to the challenge, always.

We helped students toward their dream of becoming a nurse. We funded new research. We pivoted to teaching and mentoring tomorrow's nursing leaders online. In a world that needs heath care more than ever, we remained steady, continued to mentor and support our students, and proudly celebrated 436 new nursing graduates in 2020.

Best of all, we felt our community come together and grow stronger during these uncertain times. To our generous community of donors, we thank you so much for your continued support. Together we are changing the world, one exceptionally well-prepared nurse at a time.

  • 1989

    Traditional BSN applications received for Fall 2020

  • 137

    Prelicensure students enrolled for Fall 2020

  • 4.0

    Average GPA for incoming freshman for Fall 2020

  • McLean County Museum of History and Michele Shropshire

    McLean County Museum of History and Michele Shropshire. Image of museum credited to EnjoyIllinois.com.

  • She helped facilitate a project to connect older adults within their community.

    Assistant Professor Michelle Shropshire collaborated with Education Outreach Coordinator Anthony Bowman at the McLean County Museum of History to help with a reminiscence project—documenting local history as told through the memories of the people who lived it. Michelle visited with 46 seniors in area nursing homes to collect stories for this captivating project. Read more about it in an upcoming news article from MCN.

  • She came out of retirement to lead students in song for our first-ever Virtual Pinning Ceremony.

    Up until her retirement last year, it was tradition for Lynn Kennell, scholarship donor and retired MCN professor, to lead the graduates in singing the song "Go Light Your World" at MCN's annual Pinning Ceremony and Candlelighting event.

    This spring, when the pandemic meant large gatherings would be canceled, Mennonite College of Nursing resolved to create a virtual gathering for students so they could still take part in this tradition. MCN reached out to Lynn about being part of the online event, and she graciously agreed, coming out of retirement to lead the Spring 2020 graduates in MCN's first virtually held ceremony.

  • McLean County Museum of History and Michele Shropshire

    Scholarship donor and retired MCN professor, Lynn Kennell.

    The event first aired in a live watch party on Facebook at 3 p.m. May 7, 2020. and other parts of the ceremony endure on . Lynn remains involved in the support of MCN students as a scholarship donor for the Transcultural Nursing Experience.

  • Scholarship and Award Banquet, Fall 2019

    Scholarship and Award Banquet, Fall 2019. This event was held before the arrival of COVID-19.

  • You awarded 130 scholarships to MCN students.

    We fondly remember the time before COVID-19 when we could gather. Thank you to all who attended our Scholarship and Award Banquet last fall. It was great to see your faces and to have you meet the latest recipients of your scholarships!

Gift Production

  • By Constituent Group

    MCN Alumni $1,409,855.97
    Other ISU Alumni $236,222.63
    Corporations $12,920.48
    Foundations $70,500.00
    Friends $1,368,325.17
    TOTAL $3,097,824.25
  • By Purpose

    Student $634,223.38
    Faculty $1,313,750.00
    Facility $1,500.00
    Program $1,148,350.87
    TOTAL $3,097,824.25
  • By Type

    Outright Gifts $328,635.49
    Pledge Commitments $1,194,188.76
    Revocable Deferred Gifts $1,550,000.00
    Irrevocable Deferred Gifts $25,000.00
    TOTAL $3,097,824.25

Donor Roll

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University is grateful to the following students, alumni, parents, friends, corporations, foundations, faculty, and staff for their generous gifts and pledges.

We have made every attempt to ensure accuracy. If your name has been omitted, misspelled, or incorrectly listed, please accept our apologies and contact Director of Development Jennifer Sedbrook at (309) 438-7178 or jsedbro@IllinoisState.edu.

Anonymous Estate of Helen Nadine Reining Mark Pelletier
$50,000 – $99,999
Nancy Froelich Trust State Farm
$10,000 – $49,999
Advocate Healthcare
Laura and Raymond Baue
John* and Evelyn Bertsche
Jerry Etcheson
Craig Froelich
Hank and Joan Guenther
Heritage Enterprises Inc.
Joyce and Kurt Moser
Elfrieda and Richard Ramseyer
Phyllis Schieber
Merry Schmied
Betty Wagner
$5,000 – $9,999
Charles Carlson
Thomas Carroll
Gary and Farole Haluska
Heritage Geriatric Foundation
Dan and Pamela Kelley
Beth and John Mathews
Janel and Scott Morgan
Nancy Ridenour
James and Deborah Riggs
Keith and Julia Smith
Star Uniforms of Illinois, Inc.
$1,000 – $4,999
Charlene and Brian Aaron
Billy Adkisson and Ellen Bourne
Kim Astroth
Daniel and Kathy Barbee
Barnes & Noble College Bookstores, Inc.
Ann and Thomas Baughan
Cheryl Carmack
Myrtella Cook
Susan Cribb
Daniel G. Deneen Family Trust
Jan Elfline and Drake Zimmerman
Elizabeth Davis Holder Foundation
Regina and Robert Eschbacher
Monte Fisher
Nannette Flowers
Susan and Danny Grant
Russell and Donna Hagen
Illinois Heart & Lung Foundation
Margaret Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Stephany Joslin
Catherine Kaesberg and Jeffrey Corwin
Mary and Jason Ko
Kevin and Jill Lawrence
Meredith and Thomas Lovelass
John and Joanne Maitland
Matthew and Janeen Mollenhauer
Larry and Joyce Morlan
Elizabeth and Jonathan Myers
John Parker
Lisa Sikora
Mark and Joni Smith
Rose Stadel
Richard and Catheren Stickelmaier
M. Willis Sutter
Terrence Tapley
Kay and Gary Thompson
Robert and Linda Trippel
Colleen and Thomas White
Kay Wilson
$500 – $999
Sylvia Argilla
Donny Bounds
Betty Duncan
Etcheson Spa & Pool, Inc.
Ramzi and Carol Farran
Robert Fisher and Beverly Roberts
Vickie and Alan Heffernan
Thomas and Jane Heineke
Marjorie Irving
Kemp Foundation
LuAnn and Arnold Ladwig
Gail and Douglas Lamb
John R. Lawrence Family
F. Dick and Janis Maxwell
Janice Parker
Cinda Roth
Nancy Roth Paul and Mary Ann Watkins
Tony and Mary Wheet
Beverley and Richard Winston
$250 – $499
Donald and Michelle Anderson
Michael and Jean Ann Dargatz
Suzanne Ferrara
Howard and Theresa Frank
Mark Frey
Mark and Jennifer Fritcher
Shawn and Rebekah Hayes
Anita and Andrew Lankowicz
Joseph and Diane Lecher
Todd and Sarah Lindsey
Maria Millen
Nancy O'Neill
Jenifer Patton
Thomas Roth
Paul and Audrey Slater
Judith Springer
Jeanette Storck
Elizabeth and C. John Uphoff
Peter Whitmer
Mary Ellen and Steven Wiegand
Wendy Woith
Karen Wyant
Ellen and Mark Wylie
Linda and Mario Yap
Amy and James Yoder
$100 – $249
Theresa Adelman-Mullally
Madihatu Alli
American National
Darrell and Mary Andris
Karen Bailey
Elizabeth Balch
Jacqualine Balch
Carolyn and Ronald Barnfield
Julie Beatty and John Warfel
Marcia Bellas and Rick West
Celeste Betjemann
Jay Biondo
Rebecca* and Marvin Blair
Barbara and Andrejs Bocka
Warren Borchers
Lana and Don Burson
Delores Carter
Seon Yoon Chung
Darren and Kirsten Clerkin
Zachary and Cathy Crutchfield
Melinda and William Cuttill
Patricia Decker
Jacqueline and Jamie Deffenbaugh
Anthony and Christina Durnil
Darcy Egging
Marilyn and Gary Elliott
Curt and Rhonda Ellis
Bonnie Farmer
Patricia Finegan
Diane Folken
Betty Fredbloom
Neil and Deborah Frownfelter
Christine and Steve Gardner
Marie and James Gillibrand
Myra and George Gordon
Carol and Cloyce Gress
Beverly Grimes
David and Denise Hammer
Christine and John Hammond
Kevin and Mindy Hazard
Dolores Hellweg
Joyce and Samuel Hofer
Justi Hudson
William and Connie Hueber
Benjamin Hulfachor
Shirley Jackson
Arlene Johnson
Brenda Johnson
Amber Jones
Steven and Sharon Kelleher
Thomas and Lynn Kennell
Kerber Eck & Braeckel
Michelle and Jeffrey Kilcher
Mary Anne Kirchner
Christine and Lynn Klopfenstein
Thomas Layzell
Charlotte Leach
Pamela and Douglas LeConte
Donna and Richard Leonard
Nancy LoPiccalo
Jane Love
Karen and Richard Mahnke
Steve and Cynthia Malinowski
Kathleen Martin
Rosemary and Ellis Martin
Michelle and Timothy Maurer
Rebecca and Thomas McMahan
Emily McMahon
Mary and John Moore
Barbara and Jeff Nall
Beverly and Douglas Nelson
Joyce and Frank Nestor
Judy Neubrander
Amy and John O'Brien
Ruth Oesch
Stanley and Alice Ommen
Nancy and David O'Neall
Patricia Pence
Jamie and Robert Penrod
Teresa and David Pratt
Mary Punke
Benjamin and Megan Rappleyea
Susan and Robert Read
Melynda and Scott Renner
Marlisa and Brian Rieke
L. Annette and Robert Ritchey
Ronald and Martha Ropp
Janice and Philip Rush
Vada and Keith Saffer
Marjorie and Donald Sapp
Rebecca and Lynn Schaffer
Diane and James Scorgie
Katherine Smith
Rex and Lois Smith
Myrna Stephens
Trudy and David Strand
Preston and Crystal Sweeney
Jason and Kathleen Tucholke
Jane Underwood
United Methodist Church
Julie VanAntwerp and Robert Van Antwerp
Robert and Victoria Varney
Richard and Judith Wagner
Dawn and Daniel Webb
Sheila and Jerry West
Regina and Christopher White
Clara Williams
Janet and Herbert Wiser
Kay and Gary Ziebarth
$1 – $99
Laverne Aberle
Jean and John Aeschliman
Marilyn Asper
Melissa Bevins
Leslie Bowser
Nancy Budwig
Busey Bank
Michael Butler
Sarah Butler
Riley Childress
Robbie and Phillip Cichon
Patricia and John Conte
Jeanne and Warren Cooke
Kim Coolbroth
Darrell and Sarah Cope
Paula Crowley and Daniel Deneen
Janice and John Dall
David and Kathleen Deneen
John Deneen
Eugene and Gerda Detweiler
Dorothy DeVore
Glenda Dexter-Brown and Philip Brown
Nicola Dino
Madelon Dolan
Rebecca and Mark Doran
Susan and Jeffrey Dowell
Jennifer Duffy
Paul and Betty Duzan
Mary Dyck
Brenda and Darrel Ehnle
Richard Ellis
Lois Evans
Dianne and Jeffrey Feasley
Alison Ferguson
Kathryn and Merle Ferguson
Janet and Robert Flageole
Carolyn Forney
Daniel Freburg
Ann Geller
M. Dianne and Steven Gentes
Jan Gerrond
Melanie Gillett
Mary and Royce Gottschalk
Michael Gould
Deborah and Gary Grady
Brian and Jeanne Graves
Doris Haas
Richard and Betty Hamblin
Maureen and Jason Hanson
Beverly Harms
Elizabeth Harper
Cherilyn Harvey
Marilyn Hasty
Christine and Eric Havens
Mary Heap
Jennifer and Tracy Hendricks
Carol Hertter
Christiane and James Hines
Juanema and C. Wendell Hinesley
Harry and Deborah Hinthorne
Kathryn Honegger
Lisa Horcher
Kathleen Hug
George and Juanita Hulvey
Diana and Michael Ingram
Amy Irving
David Jansen
Susan and Harry Jiles
Lacy Jones
Ruth and Robert Juhler
Julie Kennedy
Judy Kirkling
David and Molly Kistner
Lyn Knoke
Susan and William Kohler
Kirsten Krauth
Colleen and James Lindberg
Jane and Robert Linder
Kathleen Lindholm
Vera Little
Rosina Litwiller
Virginia Lockwood
Maxine and Richard Lolling
Susan Lynch
Nancy and John Machens
Kathryn Macy
Carolyn Martin
Kimberly and Daniel Mau
Rebecca and Clayton Maxwell
Lora McClelland and Michael Simmons
Sue McGinnes
John and Lorraine McIntyre
Medical Hills Internists LLC
Justin and Heather Meece
Gina Miller
Kathleen Morris
Patricia Murdoch
Emily Nafziger
Marjorie Nester
Allison Braden
Kay Norris
Teresa Novy and Kianti Reed
Matthew and Barbra Oldenburg
Maggie O'Malley Franks
Nancy Paceley-White
Jack and Judith Paxton
Jeff and Nancy Perovic
Gail and George Petro
A. Darlene and Joseph Poindexter
Jane and Terry Poppe
Ashley Hethke
Mary Rebbe
O. Erin Reitz
Helen Rexroat
Sonia Reyes
Daniel and Rebecca Rieger
Katie and Matthew Roedl
Lynne Romyn
Peter Scaff
John and Jennifer Sedbrook
Velma and Richard Shetler
Patricia Simmermon
Julie and Kenneth Sinnett
Cheryl Sloan Parsel
Stephen Sloan
Mary Alice Smith
Deborah and Stephen Stenger
James and Cynthia Stephenson
Evelyn Stoller
Sonia and Gale Stoller
Susan and William Sulaski
Jessica and Danny Sullivan
Janet and Dennis Sutter
Betty Thomas
Laura and Daryl Tolan
William and Loretta Troyer
Pat and Tracey Vickerman
Carolyn and Steve* Walker
Peggy Watkins
Thelma Wesle
Linda Westfall Shafer
Susan Wiant Crabb and Michael Crabb
Kathleen and Roger Wiegand
Steffani Wiegand
Tricia Wiegner
Dan and Leann Wilcoxen
Patricia Wilkey
Joanna Willett
Mindi and Mark Wuest
Bonnie and J. Wurmnest


Thank you to our community of donors.

You make impact possible.